Sexual Health

Slug Love Peer Team

The cornerstone of our sexual health work at SHOP is our brilliant student peer educators. Highly trained peers work alongside the professional SHOP staff to support students around their reproductive and sexual health. The Slug Love team promote sexual health through educational workshops, fun on-campus events, a safer sex collective known as the Condom Co-Op, Birth Control Patrol (education & support around contraception), and sharing information about DIY Sexually Transmitted Infection testing services. 

Slug Love team from SHOP

Getting Connected

Occasionally SHOP has opportunities for students to get involved or perhaps you have a question regarding sexual health or other STIs? Please email us at


UCSC Student Health Center

Planned Parenthood Santa Cruz

Advocates for Youth
Advocates for Youth champions efforts that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health.

From birth control info to sex tips, we’ve got you covered.