Sexually Transmitted Infections

Order Your Own Tests for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Students (free with UC SHIP, fees vary with no UC SHIP) can access self-ordered swab testing (anal & vaginal swab testing) for Chlamydia and Gonhorrea. No need to see a clinician first! Click here for STI self-ordered Lab cost sheet

Go to the Student Health Center Lab during their open drop-in hours and you can get a urine, blood and/or swab testing in a private bathroom. It's important to regularly do swab testing of the correct body parts that have had unprotected oral, vaginal and anal sex.

For STI Testing Hours, see the Student Health Center Hours Page.


Any UCSC student with concerns about STIs can be seen by a triage nurse in the Student Health Center regardless of insurance status.

Looking for information about PrEP and PEP for HIV Prevention? Find resources at the Student Health Center. 

See Also